Kate Butterfield



Meet Kate, our Assistant Manager
in Goodman Mayfair

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Kate Butterfield is the newest member of the Mayfair management team. ​She likes her beef from the Peak District, correctly thinks Digestives are a better biscuit than Hob Nobs and believes that Topic, and Ferrero Rocher, do not get the hazelnut-based praise they deserve... ​ ​

Kate was always going to be in hospitality. Her grandmother was a landlady for pretty much all her life, with pubs all over Manchester. Her aunt also had a pub – “where I got my first job, at 15, 16, washing up basically” – so, despite studying business and finance at university, Kate’s love of hospitality was always likely to dictate her career.​As Kate admits, ​“If it’s in your DNA, you’re in trouble…”


“At the end of the day though, people want to have a nice wine, and enjoy it. Some want to talk about it, but at the end of the day, wine is there to be enjoyed. There’s no right or wrong.” ​​

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Black and white image of a chef holding dessert on a plate

Pre-Goodman, Kate has run pubs in Shoreditch, assorted bars, before slipping more into restaurants, after realising she liked the customer interaction and being out on the floor more than being behind a bar. And she and Goodman clicked instantly. “My last job was in Kingly Court. There were a few regulars but it was mostly very touristy. It was good experience, understanding the tourist side of things, but Goodman, Kate feels has a better mix of clientele “plus you have the time to get to know your regulars.

“Also, this is often a very young trade, but here you’ve got a mix of experience, younger, older, new staff, people who’ve been there, done it and come back. It’s a really good mix of people and management styles, it’s got this organic culture… This is the sort of place I want to be in.” If eating at Goodman, British beef is Kate's choice "because it has more intense flavours. ​Chips - obviously, Northener. Creamed spinach, plus the mushrooms and onions"​​.


Interview by Neil Davey
Photography by Tom Bowles




Barry Kumar